
Many factors such as medical conditions lead to itchy feet. Based on the available information from books, the common causes of itchy feet include extremely moist feet and dry skin. The problem becomes serious if the feet have a reddish appearance, cracks, painful blisters, scales, and bad smell. These are the symptoms of the fungal infection athlete’s foot. It is advisable to consult your physician for assistance if you have any suspicious symptoms of athlete’s foot and any other serious condition associated with such symptoms.

Baking Soda

Appropriate Medications for Soothing Itching FeetTry a paste made of baking soda if you have itchy feet. Baking soda can relieve the burning sensation on the affected area and suppress any discomfort on the feet. The recommended dosage is a mixture of water (two to three teaspoons) and baking powder (one tablespoon). The mixture is made by stirring to form a paste. The paste is the spread on the affected feet. It is important to target crevices and hidden parts like the part between the toes. The paste should be left to lose moisture for about five to ten minutes. The next step involves using cold water to rinse the paste from the feet. This is followed by using a soft cloth such as a towel to pat the feet.

This step also involves applying some dusting cornstarch. Cornstarch helps in soaking up moisture. There is no medical evidence to prove that this method is effective for treating athlete’s foot and other fungal infections. The paste may aid in soothing the irritation, but there is no guarantee that it will cure the condition if the cause of the problem is more than a minor skin infection.

Treating Itchy Feet with Saltwater

Appropriate Medications for Soothing Itching FeetIn some cases, the irritation caused by an itchy foot can be treated by soaking the affected foot in saltwater. It is claimed that this method can help in soothing painful itching. You can make your own saltwater soak by stirring a mixture of salt (2 teaspoons) and warm water (1pint). Once you finish this step, put the mixture in shallow pan. The next step is to dip the infected foot into the mixture for a period of five to ten minutes. This process should be repeated once after every 60 minutes until the itching diminishes. There is no evidence to prove that soaking itchy feet in saltwater is an effective method for treating fungal infections.

Walnut Hull

If you choose to try this remedy to relieve the itching that occurs because of dry skin, ensure that you follow the recommended recipe. Mix one teaspoon of walnuts in powder form with water (one cup). Use a saucepan to simmer the concoction for about thirty minutes. This process should be done over moderate heat. Once it is over, use a fine mesh strainer to sieve the mixture. Pour the concoction (a half full cup) on the infected foot. This procedure should be done while the liquid is still warm. You can also massage the foot with a mixture of tea tree (ten drops of the oil), calendula blossom (three tablespoons of the oil), and eucalyptus oil (five drops). Remember that there is no evidence to show that walnut hull is an effective remedy.

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